How the online buyer carefully examines the pre-purchase information before making a transaction. 15.49% acknowledge buying on impulse and letting themselves be carried away by instant offers and desires. Finally, 11.41% usa phone list that their purchases are recommended since they usually buy following the advice of other consumers and/or according to fashions usa phone list trends. As for the information channels used by Spaniards to document themselves, 62.11% use search engines, 49.86% the manufacturer's website, 27.18% get information through forums and blogs, 24 .79% in social networks and finally 8, Average ticket: What is the average spending ticket of Spaniards in their online purchases? 48.87% of the buyers surveyed affirm that their average spending ticket is between €50 and €100. 38.87% usually spend less than €50, 10.
14% between €100 and approximately €200, while 2.11% say they spend more than €200. Means of payment: What means of payment offer greater confidence to the Spanish? Online payment systems such as Paypal are usa phone list favorites for 53.80% of those surveyed. The credit or debit card is the most reliable means for 37.18%. 3.38% prefer the cash on usa phone list method, 2.82% transfer, 1.83% electronic money and 0.99% opt for other systems. What do Spaniards usa phone list most when buying online? ** The online buyer values in the first place, being able to get the best price (69.01% indicate it as the priority aspect, unlike 2017 where the most voted were free shipping costs with 63.13%). In second place, the flexibility of electronic commerce (24/7 and without waiting in line) is the most appreciated by 49.
30% of Spaniards. Within the top 3 of is the speed in the delivery of the product, being the determining option for 35.07%. 33.10% appreciate the fact of being able to access exclusive or hard-to-find products in physical stores, followed closely, with 32.25%, by free returns. 31.41% value usa phone list reliability of the site. a 20, And when buying fashion online, what is the most valued? ** In this case, the most chosen option is free shipping, with 67.89% of usa phone list . It is closely followed by the quality of the product with 60.70% and the ease of making returns with 49.44%. On the other hand, 30.28% of those surveyed value the possibility of picking up the purchase at a physical store and/or collection points, 24.08% pay attention to buying branded products, 20% give more importance to the availability of new products and, finally, 9.72% are mainly interested in the possibility of acquiring special sizes.