the most in recent years is the appearance of the search results pages or SERP . We've gone from text and link ads and organic results to a much more clipping path service complex ecosystem, with elements like images, reviews, extra links, or even products ready to buy with just one click. For this reason, the ultimate goal of SEO has changed from "the higher, the better" to "the more visible, the better." We have to be strategic when introducing content and markup elements on our pages to make Google show more information about us at first glance.
9) The zero position Another result of the search results page revolution is that the most privileged position has become the featured snippet or "position zero" , which not only appears first but is also more visible than the rest. The result that appears in this position shows an extract of the information searched by the user, the title of the page in which this information is found, a URL and, sometimes, an image. Since it takes up more space than the rest of the results, it attracts a large number of impressions and clicks. There are three main types of featured snippets: text paragraphs, numbered or unnumbered lists, and tables. 10) Ethical link building One of the "classic"
techniques of SEO was the exchange or even the purchase of links, but those times are long gone. Google now penalizes strategies like reciprocal link exchanges, paid links, or other non- organic link building techniques . Even large-scale guest posting campaigns have come to be seen as bad practice. The bottom line is that we need to rethink inbound linking strategies , focusing on creating quality content and distributing it in ways that are not perceived as spam. 11) Google Shopping Graph During the COVID-19 pandemic, online shopping became the main or