Working on that. We have something that we think would answer these questions, but we can't publish it. Will we have statistics about the code snippets of our site? Loong pause. "We are not actively working on that." @method #smx — Marie Haynes (@Marie_Haynes) June 13, 2017 DS: Why not? GI: Because we have bosses. And these bosses have bosses. And some people don't want to see this feature launched for various reasons. What we really need is to understand how people are using this feature because the only thing that???
done with research analysis. Now we have a similar issue with my superiors over a feature that would give you insight into how your content might appear as featured snippets in search results. The proposal to launch something like this was rejected by the jewelry retouching service higher-ups. What we need is So Google has a solution to give us featured snippet data, but they can't publish it via @method#smx#11a — Greg Gifford (@GregGifford) June 13, 2017 We're looking to be able to show publishers data about when their content is used in voice search situations. DS:
Can you stop doing this when an image from one site appears in the snippet alongside content from another site? GI: I have no idea why this is happening. DS: Has the mobile interstitial penalty been rolled out? GI: I can confirm that it has been deployed. DS: Is there an over-optimization penalty? GI: Think about when you put your makeup on in the morning. If you put on too much, your face ends up being over-optimized. Over-optimization is not the right word for this. We couldn't find anything that describes it better. Think of keyword stuffing - it's a type of over-optimization.