This type of faxing is web based, it utilizes your fax database email system and internet connection to broadcast fax messages. You are basically using your email to send fax messages to your contacts via an attachment to your email. More or less, It is like sending a mass fax database message. Of course in the above situation, it is assumed that everyone knows what online fax is and how it works. Online fax is popular in many names: online fax database , web fax, internet fax and so on. But in general, online fax is sending a fax using your computer and internet connection.
This service is provided by an online fax provider and fax database utilizes the internet to send and receive fax messages instead of a dedicated phone line. This is done for a small monthly fee, or in some cases, based on the number of pages fax database you send and receive in a month. Once you sign up to one of this providers, they will act in your behalf when sending and receiving fax messages. They save your fax and send it to your fax database specified recipients, they also get the messages you receive and forward it to your email. Monthly charges usually start between 7-10 dollars.
For this fee you usually get a dedicated phone number where your fax database are sent from and received. You are also provided an account where you can access your fax messages. It is often used to send promotional materials or invitations for sales events. Web fax database services make this a lot easier since you can upload your contact to your provider and email them the message and they will send them to the recipients you specified. This saves you time and money because online fax database is paperless and ink less. Imagine sending 30 fax messages one at a time using a traditional fax machine.