Online whiteboards exploded onto the scene in 2020 as everyone suddenly worked from home. The virtual collaboration and interactivity of Special leads online whiteboards helped teams work together, but for digital marketers, something way bigger and unexpected happened. Marketing teams quickly discovered that online whiteboards solved the age-old problem of disparate marketing channels. Until recently, marketers worked in silos. The Special leads social media team only worried about social media. The paid search team only worried about paid search.
Unlike the physical whiteboards in the office, online boards are infinite. You can add as many projects or discussions as you’d like to a canvas. Instead Special leads of having disparate files on a drive that remain static, everything you need to make smart marketing decisions exists in a visual layout. The information on the canvas also doubles as documentation, so everyone always has access to the most updated files, and you can work asynchronously to add to the discussion. The Special leads possibilities for collaboration are endless. How Digital Marketers Use Online Whiteboards One of the pros of online whiteboards is its limitless flexibility. tools to see the Special leads big picture”ny other type of file that is valuable to the project.
Unlike the physical whiteboards in the office, online boards are infinite. You can add as many projects or discussions as you’d like to a canvas. Instead Special leads of having disparate files on a drive that remain static, everything you need to make smart marketing decisions exists in a visual layout. The information on the canvas also doubles as documentation, so everyone always has access to the most updated files, and you can work asynchronously to add to the discussion. The Special leads possibilities for collaboration are endless. How Digital Marketers Use Online Whiteboards One of the pros of online whiteboards is its limitless flexibility. tools to see the big picture”